Greetings internet traveler, my name is Aristide. I'm a Game Developer in Unreal Engine 5. See my works and contents below

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The Love and Passion for making games

Creo Contenuti Unici (e un po' folli)

I Make Unique Code (clear but sometimes a bit crazy)

Whait... did I said Crazy?

I was crazy once... they loked me in a room... a rubber room... a rubberr room with rats... and rats make me crazy

Whait... did I said Crazy?

I was crazy once... they loked me in a room... a rubber room... a rubberr room with rats... and rats make me crazy

Whait... did I said Crazy?

I was crazy once... they loked me in a room... a rubber room... a rubberr room with rats... and rats make me crazy


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Burned at the Stake is a SinglePlayer “ROAD-Like” experience where you should escape from a group of fanatic religious paesants which wants to kill you!

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